Wednesday 20 June 2012

Virgin Stick for Tightening Loose Vagina

Aside from vaginal odor, having a loose vagina is another fear that many women fight against.  There is a terrible stigma against the loose vagina; many women feel as though it is associated with having too much sex or even having sex with too many partners.  Socially, it’s rarely spoken of and when it is, it’s spoken of with distaste.  A loose vagina is also problematical because sexual pleasure can be decreased and many women start to feel old or used up.

Having a loose vagina though is simply a part of life.  Many things can loosen the muscles of a vagina and it does not necessarily relate to anything like too much sex.  Giving birth to a baby (or two or three!) will by necessity cause a looser vagina; the muscles need to be relaxed and widened in order to let the baby pass and usually this looseness will remain long after giving birth unless you are stringent with exercises and products to tighten it up again.  Some surgeries may also cause a looser vagina.  And of course, age and sex will cause it; simply because the muscles will be looser.  Finally, a woman’s vagina is naturally looser during sex; it’s a good thing because it means she is relaxed and aroused.  However, if things are too loose, sex can be less fun for both parties, so finding a way to deal with it is important and private.

So what can you do with a loose vagina that doesn’t involve embarrassing creams and doctor’s visits or costly surgeries?  Well, you should see your doctor to make sure you actually have a loose vagina, but if you really think it’s a problem, there are two things you should use in concert:


Kegels are exercises that strengthen your pelvic muscles and can tone a loose vagina back to a tight vagina.  Kegels are easy to do; simply tighten the vaginal muscles as though you were stopping yourself from urinating, hold for a few seconds, relax and then repeat.
Not only are kegels helpful in creating a tight vagina, but they also help women deliver babies a little easier and they are a great sex tool.  Try doing a Kegel in the middle of penetration and watch your man’s eyes roll up!

Virgin Stick

Aptly named for the fact that you can get a virgin-like tight vagina, this bundle of herbs made into a provocative soap works by boosting testosterone levels and tightens vaginal muscles.  It also gets rid of vaginal odor and helps your vagina cleanse itself, thus diminishing the chances of contracting things like bacterial vaginosis.  It’s also easy and quick to use.
Having a loose vagina is a matter of opinion-your opinion.  If you find that sex is less pleasurable because you can’t feel much of anything, it might be time to start doing some work on bringing back a tight vagina.  Doing Kegels and Virgin stick are discreet, natural, and easy ways to get your loose vagina back to its tightness; something both you and your partner will appreciate!


  1. You're never a loser until you quit trying. See the link below for more info.


  2. The effectiveness and recognition of those 2 is essentially as a result of the standard of flavorer ingredients used, because it is believed that sensible quality herbs show fast results.

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  3. I bought Dermalmd Vaginal Tigtening Serum after having 5 kids. I wanted both of us to feel the same pleasure as we did before kids and I have to say after the first application it was great. sex lasted longer than usual and we were both very satisfied. I recommend this to those in doubt and and do not want to have surgery.

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  5. Hello I need help I just want to find out where to find the virgin stick shop in windhoek

  6. Great product! Virgin stick works no smelly odor tight vagina i am happy

  7. Thanks for sharing your story. Men like tight vagina and women also like to make vagina tighter for sexual satisfaction.Visit

  8. Why after putting the Virgin stick my Virgina starts to pain and it's itchy is it normal?

  9. My vagina is so loose have tried virginity soap but it is not working at all

  10. Where to find it in Newcastle (KZN)
